Saturday, February 2, 2013

Samer Issawi has been hunger striking for 193 days


Samer Issawi, a Palestinian detainee in the Israeli prisons arrested in July 2012 with no charge, and kept until this very moment with no trial, needs your help.Samer has started a hunger strike on 01.08.2012 as a form of peaceful protest against violating his human rights in every possible way. Until today, nothing was done to help him thanks to the Zionist media who never delivers the truth to the masses.It's been 184 days now since the detaine had his last meal. He's lost the ability to stand up and see. He suffers from severe pains in all his body parts, especially his head, kidney and ribs that were broken by his violent prison keeper.Samer's family wasn't allowed to send its son winter clothes, though his cell is absolutely cold. His parents worry they'd lose their second son with the same inhuman hands that have ended their first's life. Samer is only 33.Samer Issawi needs your help spread his story and walk the streets protesting against taking away innocents' freedom, treating humans without humanity in Israeli prisons.This man represents thousands of Palestinians behind bars with no charges, and hundreds who died there under those severe conditions.Please share this!

From: Anan Sereya - Update


  1. The petition at the link is expired.

  2. " thanks to the Zionist media who never delivers the truth to the masses"...that is a very ugly, bigoted, prejudiced statement. Saying things like that do not help your just makes you sound like a Nazi.

    1. Its the truth. Even here we have news stations on every damn channel, none of them are telling anything 1. Substantial that's going on in the world. Or 2. Show the truth about this war as pretty much isreal TAKING OVER Pakistan, the idea that the news media over there WOULD tell the masses about this, is actually ignorant on your part. Btw, it doesn't make it NAZI just cuz were saying the people in isreal are being assholes to the Pakistanis ON PAKISTANI LAND. But judging from how quickly you jumped to "nazi-ism" you're probably already biased to the isreal country, brought in by the media coverage of the Pakistanis meager attempts to win back their land, reporting every death of an isrealite with passion and hatred, while glossing over the HUNDREDS if not thousands of Pakistanis lost as *casualties*

  3. perhaps the nazi's were right, and its just the media that twisted it! who knows eh! the world is full of lies and deceit

  4. You cannot sign the petition.. ??? !! Only left confused and saddned... why spread this story and leave people with no way to do anything, just to anger them or to fuel anger against someone or something?? You left no way to help... Not understanding the reasoning behind this!

  5. There is no way a human can not eat for over 50 days! After 40 days or a few more the body goes into starvation mode and uses up all fat reserves. Anyone who has any sense knows no one can fast that long even with water. But I do not agree with any nation that doesn't give a person the right to a speedy trial. I don't even know if this is true! There is so much on the news and internet that is false, half truths or down right lies, that I don't believe much of nothing unless I see it for myself or know from the source if it is true. The truth only comes from God and there isn't a dozen different God's there is only one true God and He is a God of Love. Yes, people serve many false God's but try getting an answer from all these false God's! That is my opinion and I have that right to say it and you don't have to believe it. What this world needs is the true love of God and we won't hate Jews, Gentiles or any other race and we need to get rid of religion! It has caused more wars than any other cause in the world! What if we started loving one another instead of hating just because we are a different race or from another nation? We all bleed red blood, we all breathe the same air, we all need food and water but because some are rich and control more of the world and are not willing to share, others are rulers of nations or countries or a city or whatever and then pride, greed and thinking they know it all better than someone else, or again because they have a vast amount of money, it makes them believe they can kill, make laws to over tax, keep the necessary things we need to live away from their own people who in turn are paying taxes to that government or dictatorship so that that nation or country can have good roads, good water and basic things but what happens? We judge a whole nation by a few of the leaders or people in that nation but beware for by what judgement you put out will come back and you will be judged the same way! This world will never change because people want their own way and don't care about the other person's welfare or feelings! If we want a change then I, you and all of us have to get the love of the true God in our heart and it will change us. But it is not going to happen because we all are born with a sinful heart. I'm not saying we are born sinning but after we start thinking on our own as a child, we do not have to be taught to do wrong but we have to be taught to do right and most parents today do not teach their children to do the right thing! Why? Because the parents are not trying to do the right thing! Not all parents but we are slipping into a time when wrong is right and right is wrong and it is not getting better but worse! Jesus Christ, not the Jesus Christ that most of the world speaks about and says that He is their Lord but the Jesus Christ of all eternity and the Bible. Not the religious view of Jesus but the true Christ that God sent to save the world. How do I know? Because I was one of one's who was greedy at one time, had some hate in my heart, looked out for only number one but over 40 years ago I asked the real Christ, not the so called church of today's Christ but the real one who can change a man or woman or child, anyone! He changed me and by His Spirit I am being changed every hour,day, month and year. As long a I live I will be changed and learning about God's love, peace, joy and how to help my fellow man. Now tell me, how could that be wrong? It's wrong to most because they want their hate, greed, selfishness and do not want to change because they can get what they want or try to by all these evil things. This may be a little tough but it is the truth! God bless and save this world. Someday it will change but it is going to take God to do it and He will get rid of evil, Satan and all the sin and rotten things that he and humans have done to God's beautiful earth.

    1. U r a confused hypocrite. First u state we need to get rid of religion then go on to claim that most people have got it wrong and that u(obviously u are some type of 'chosen one') have encountered the 'true christ'. By the end of your rant you are preaching christianity!! Hello??? U sound strangely like every religious fanatic out there claiming to be one of the few who know the true god. U may as well strap on a few bombs and blow up people who worship allah. WAKE UP, LISTEN AND REMEMBER THIS- Until humans stop using an imaginary external being to blame our problems on we will never take personal responsibility for our actions. WE will never evolve to our true potential, we will keep committing the same mindless mistakes we have been repeating since religion was created then abused for personal gain.This is a fact.Your god is not.


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